Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Why Is A Dental Abscess Considered An Emergency?

by Harold Coleman

A dental abscess is a buildup of bacteria beneath your gums that's caused by a deep bacterial infection. If you have a red, swollen bump on your gums, it's most likely a dental abscess. A dental abscess is considered a dental emergency that requires immediate treatment, as it can have serious consequences if left untreated. An emergency dentist can drain the abscess to get rid of the bump and prescribe antibiotics to you that will eliminate the infection that caused it. To learn why a dental abscess is an emergency, read on. 

The Infection Causing the Abscess Can Spread Throughout Nearby Tissues

One of the reasons why a dental abscess is a serious condition is that the infection can spread. The bacteria inside the dental abscess can move into nearby tissues like your cheeks, your jaw, and your sinuses. The bacteria can also spread into your throat, causing it to swell and making it difficult to breathe, and the bacteria can also spread into your bloodstream and cause sepsis. Some of the consequences of an untreated dental abscess, like sepsis or a swollen airway, can be fatal. Treating the abscess and getting rid of the infection will stop it from spreading.

A Dental Abscess Can Cause You to Lose Multiple Teeth

If the bacterial infection beneath your gums spreads to your jaw, it can cause you to lose the teeth that are adjacent to the infected tooth. When your jawbone gets infected, the infection will start to directly attack the bone. If you lose too much bone in your jaw, it won't be able to hold the roots of your teeth in, and they'll fall out. By treating the abscess, you'll help preserve your teeth and the appearance of your smile.

Dental Abscesses Often Become Very Painful

When a dental abscess starts swelling because of the pus building up in it, it can start pressing against the pulp of your tooth. This will cause severe pain since the pulp is where the nerves of your tooth are. Draining the abscess will relieve the pressure, and taking antibiotics will get rid of the infection and prevent it from coming back. By treating the abscess, you'll stop it from turning into a severe toothache as it swells.

If you notice that you have a dental abscess forming in your gums, find an emergency dentist in your area and call them for an appointment. Having the abscess drained and taking antibiotics will stop the infection from spreading, preventing potentially fatal consequences of a deep bacterial infection like sepsis. You'll also help preserve your teeth by stopping bacteria from infecting your jawbone. Having an emergency dentist treat the abscess as soon as possible will protect you from its potentially serious consequences.


About Me

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

I have never liked my teeth. I had a lot of dental problems, including deep staining and oddly shaped teeth. Every tooth did not have the same shape, and some were rounded while others were more square. Not surprisingly, I never smiled in pictures and not even much in real life. This left people thinking I was mean before they even met me. My dentist told me my best bet to improve the look of my smile was a set of porcelain dental veneers. He said they could make all my teeth white and the same shape. I said I wanted them without any hesitation, and we scheduled my procedures. I love my new teeth, and they really did change my life. I created this blog to help other people living with teeth they don't like realize that they do have options that can improve their smiles and their lives.