Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

What If You Have Dental Decay During Your Dental Cleaning?

by Harold Coleman

When it's time to visit the dentist for a cleaning, you want to make sure that your cleaning is thorough and effective. If you have signs of dental decay, you may wonder if the cleaning will still be effective and if the procedure will hurt. 

Here's what it's like to get a dental cleaning if you are already experiencing dental decay.

The Oral Hygienist Will Examine Your Mouth

First, the oral hygienist will take a look at your mouth to assess the situation. They will look for any signs of decay and will also check to see if you have any other oral health concerns. If they find any areas of concern, they will discuss these with you and may recommend additional treatments.

The Oral Hygienist Will Clean Your Teeth

Next, the oral hygienist will clean your teeth. This involves using a special toothbrush and toothpaste to remove any plaque and tartar from your teeth. The oral hygienist may also use a dental scaler to remove any hardened plaque from your teeth.

If you have dental decay, the oral hygienist may use a special tool to remove the decay from your tooth. If your dental decay has led to gum disease, your oral hygienist may recommend a deep cleaning of your teeth. This will allow cleaning of the area under the gumline to prevent further decay.

The Oral Hygienist Will Polish Your Teeth

After your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, the oral hygienist will polish your teeth. This helps to remove any remaining plaque and tartar from your teeth and gives them a bright, shiny appearance.

You May Need to See the Dentist

If the oral hygienist finds any areas of concern, they may recommend that you see the dentist for further treatment. The dentist may recommend a filling or crown to treat the decay. If the decay is severe, the dentist may need to perform a root canal.

You Can Still Get a Dental Cleaning

Some people are afraid to see a dentist if they have dental decay, but this is actually the best time to see a dentist so they can develop a treatment plan.

Getting a dental cleaning when you have dental decay is still possible and can be effective. However, you may need to see the dentist for additional treatment to address the decay. Be sure to discuss any concerns you have with the oral hygienist or dentist before the procedure.

Contact a local dental office, such as the Dental Clinic of Onalaska, to learn more.


About Me

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

I have never liked my teeth. I had a lot of dental problems, including deep staining and oddly shaped teeth. Every tooth did not have the same shape, and some were rounded while others were more square. Not surprisingly, I never smiled in pictures and not even much in real life. This left people thinking I was mean before they even met me. My dentist told me my best bet to improve the look of my smile was a set of porcelain dental veneers. He said they could make all my teeth white and the same shape. I said I wanted them without any hesitation, and we scheduled my procedures. I love my new teeth, and they really did change my life. I created this blog to help other people living with teeth they don't like realize that they do have options that can improve their smiles and their lives.