Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

5 Appliances That Are Commonly Used In An Orthodontic Facility

by Harold Coleman

Crooked teeth are a common problem in the United States. If you have this condition, you are more likely to suffer from social anxiety. You may feel embarrassed about how your teeth look, leading to a very conscious smile. If you visit a general dentist, they will refer you to an orthodontist for teeth straightening. Typically, orthodontic treatment moves your teeth to a better position, making it easier for you to eat, bite, smile, and brush.

Here are five appliances that orthodontists use in teeth straightening:

1. Metal Braces

Currently, about 4 million Americans have braces. The appliances consist of metal brackets that are glued to your teeth. A metal wire is then attached to the brackets, pulling the teeth to the desired position over time. Most people like metal braces for various reasons, such as:

  •  They are strong 
  •  They don't stain
  •  They are cheap

2. Invisalign

Most people shy off from wearing metal braces since they are highly visible. Thus, orthodontists recommend transparent aligners, such as Invisalign braces. Unlike the traditional braces, Invisalign can be removed with much ease, allowing you to clean your teeth and eat your favorite foods. Since they are invisible, the braces improve teeth alignment without hurting confidence.

3. Orthodontic Headgear

If your bite is severely out of alignment, the orthodontist will recommend headgear. In most instances, the appliance is used when your upper and lower teeth don't fit together, a condition known as malocclusion.

 Once the device is placed in your mouth, it exerts force on the jaw, eliminating overlapping or overcrowding teeth. However, the headgear works excellently when the jawbone is still growing, making it only effective in children.

4. Separators

If an orthodontist wants to put braces in your mouth, there must be spaces between teeth, especially between two molars. However, if the teeth grow close to each other, spacers or separators are placed for two weeks to separate the teeth. The separators mainly take the form of rubber bands and can be painful or agitating. 

5. Palatal Expanders

If you have a narrow upper jaw, the roof of your mouth can be expanded using a palate expander. Orthodontists mainly recommend the appliance if the narrow jaw causes crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth.

 In most cases, this appliance is used in children to widen the upper jaw before the permanent teeth grow. There are several types of palate expanders, including removable, hyrax rapid, quad helix, and Haas expanders. 


If you or your child has crooked teeth, visit a dentist and see how an orthodontist can solve the problem. Typically, orthodontic treatment uses a wide variety of appliances to put your teeth in their proper position, giving you that desired smile and bite.


About Me

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

I have never liked my teeth. I had a lot of dental problems, including deep staining and oddly shaped teeth. Every tooth did not have the same shape, and some were rounded while others were more square. Not surprisingly, I never smiled in pictures and not even much in real life. This left people thinking I was mean before they even met me. My dentist told me my best bet to improve the look of my smile was a set of porcelain dental veneers. He said they could make all my teeth white and the same shape. I said I wanted them without any hesitation, and we scheduled my procedures. I love my new teeth, and they really did change my life. I created this blog to help other people living with teeth they don't like realize that they do have options that can improve their smiles and their lives.