Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

Dental Visits And Children With Special Needs: What You Should Know

by Harold Coleman

There are so many children who have special needs who may require special care when it comes to going to the dentist. Children with a sensory, physical, or intellectual disability should work with a pediatric dentist who specializes in working with these children to ensure the experience is pleasant and healthy. The following are some things you should consider when it comes to children with special needs and dental visits.

Start at Home

To help a child adjust to proper dental care, you must establish a good oral hygiene routine at home. For some children, even a toothbrush can be scary. Brushing teeth may feel strange for a child. If your child resists the toothbrush, try using a soft, damp cloth on the child's teeth. Cloth is not as rough on the teeth and gums but will get the teeth clean. Slowly transition to a baby toothbrush, as they are soft and small. You may even want to let the child chew on the toothbrush for some time to help acclimate them. Eventually, they may open up to the idea of tooth brushing.

Locate the Right Dentist

Once you feel like your child may be willing to cooperate with the dentist, your next step is to find a pediatric dentist in your area who works with children who have special needs. You can check different practices in your area and ask about how they handle children with your child's specific disability. Make consultation appointments where you and your child just visit with the dentist. This allows your child to get acquainted with the office and you can ask as many questions as you need to determine if he or she is the right dentist for your child. Also ask if you will be allowed in the room during your child's dental exam. Some practices do not allow parents, so you may want to find a practice that allows you to be with your child.

Prepare for the First Dental Visit

This part may be difficult for your child, especially since dental visits typically occur only a few times a year. As you get closer to the appointment, begin talking to your child about it. Speak positively about the experience. One the day of the visit, allow yourself some extra time to get yourself and your child ready. It may take some time to adjust. Do not stress, as this can also stress your child. If your child has a special toy, blanket, or other soothing item, be sure to bring it along to help your child feel more at ease.

For more information, contact a local pediatric dental specialist.


About Me

Dental Veneers Changed My Life

I have never liked my teeth. I had a lot of dental problems, including deep staining and oddly shaped teeth. Every tooth did not have the same shape, and some were rounded while others were more square. Not surprisingly, I never smiled in pictures and not even much in real life. This left people thinking I was mean before they even met me. My dentist told me my best bet to improve the look of my smile was a set of porcelain dental veneers. He said they could make all my teeth white and the same shape. I said I wanted them without any hesitation, and we scheduled my procedures. I love my new teeth, and they really did change my life. I created this blog to help other people living with teeth they don't like realize that they do have options that can improve their smiles and their lives.